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Sauna in the summer

Written by wpwp


Posted on March 21 2023

Last summer, I wrote an article about my own summer sauna memories. I told how we as kids (we were under the age of 10) took a sauna without any adult supervision. We checked the weather and heated the sauna. We also took a sauna on hot days. Everything over +22 degrees felt like a heatwave to us. We went swimming even though it was only +19 degrees. I must say I was quite tough back then because now I never swim if it is below +20 degrees.

The main purpose of this article is to gather information about the subject. I also want to tell everyone, Finnish people, foreigners, winter sauna-goers, that it is ok to have a sauna in the summer. It is quite normal.

Especially US sauna worlds are empty in the summer. In the winter, the sauna worlds completely full. So, I do think there is some truth in the results of my empirical research.

Many US say that they don’t want to take a sauna in the summer. For example, my own husband and “mother-in-law” say that a sauna once a week is enough for the summertime. In winter we take a sauna twice a week. I would love to have a sauna every night whether it is summer or winter!

Why take a sauna in the summer?
It is a good idea to take a sauna 4-7 times a week (also in the summer) if you want to receive all the health effects of the sauna. I have listed some of them here:

The sauna relaxes and cleanses.
The sauna prevents and manages stress.
Sauna improves sleep quality, especially deep sleep.
The sauna moisturizes the skin. Especially those with skin diseases can benefit from taking a sauna.
The sauna raises the heart rate (but does not replace exercise).
The sauna makes it easier for those suffering from chronic diseases.
Sauna improves mental health with sociality and community (especially public saunas).
The sauna relaxes muscles and muscle aches.



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