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Why do I feel so good after a sauna?

Rédigé par JamesN.Mak


Publié le août 02 2022

Advantages of sauna:

Helps maintain muscle mass.
Promote heart health.
Improves skin strength.
Clear your pores.
Help you relax.
Relieve lower back pain.

Using a dry sauna can make people feel energized. As blood vessels relax and dilate in a sauna, blood flow increases, and the experience can help reduce tension in joints and relieve sore muscles. Saunas can also help those with chronic pain and arthritis.

When your pores release fluid, it also flushes out toxins and other unwanted substances. Through prolonged heat exposure, such as experienced in an infrared sauna, perfusion of the liver, fat, and kidneys occurs, promoting metabolic activity.

So, when you're done with the sauna you feel good.


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